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  • Great-grandmother Persape, my grandmother Kayghanoush Karahadian Delijian, my father Harold Delijian and me, Linda Jean Delijian Gutierrez

    Great-grandmother Persape, my grandmother Kayghanoush Karahadian Delijian, my father Harold Delijian and me, Linda Jean Delijian Gutierrez. Linda Jean Delijian Gutierrez Private Coll. Here’s Grandma Kay’s story: Escape from Bitlis, Armenia     1915-19, Armenia, Russia, USA In 1915, Keghanoush (nicknamed Kay) was 15, living in Bitlis, Armenia (now Turkey) with her 10 brothers and sisters and their…

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  • Persape Parsegian

    Persape Parsegian, married and widowed as Izmirian before marrying Misak Karahadian. Great-grandmother of Linda Jean Delijian Gutierrez. Linda Jean Delijian Gutierrez Private Coll. Here’s Grandma Kay’s story: Escape from Bitlis, Armenia     1915-19, Armenia, Russia, USA In 1915, Keghanoush (nicknamed Kay) was 15, living in Bitlis, Armenia (now Turkey) with her 10 brothers and sisters and their…

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  • Misak Karahadian of Bitlis pre- 1915

    Misak Karahadian of Bitlis pre- 1915, great-grandfather of Jean Delijian. Linda Jean Delijian Gutierrez Private Coll.

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  • Perseg Mugerditchian Delijian

    Perseg Mugerditchian Delijian. Linda Jean Delijian Gutierrez Private Coll.

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  • Painter Karapet Hakobyan in Armenia

    Painter Karapet Hakobyan in Armenia. My grandfather was in an orphanage during the genocide. His teacher was Mihran Seraylian. Afterwards, my grandfather became a painter. He believed he was the only survivor, as he never received any information about his missing family. The only things he could remember were the names of his father (Hakob), mother…

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  • Mihran Seraylian teaching painting at the Armenian orphanage

    Mihran Seraylian teaching painting at the Armenian orphanage. Anna Hakobyan Private Coll.

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  • Mihran Serailyan with his students at the Armenian orphanage

    Mihran Serailyan with his students at the Armenian orphanage. Anna Hakobyan Private Coll.

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  • Mihran Serailyan with his students at the Armenian orphanage

    Mihran Serailyan with his students at the Armenian orphanage. Anna Hakobyan Private Coll.

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  • Karapet Hakobyan with two friends

    Karapet Hakobyan with two friends. My grandfather was in an orphanage during the genocide. His teacher was Mihran Seraylian. Afterwards, my grandfather became a painter. He believed he was the only survivor, as he never received any information about his missing family. The only things he could remember were the names of his father (Hakob), mother…

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  • Karapet Hakobyan with his friends

    Karapet Hakobyan with his friends. My grandfather was in an orphanage during the genocide. His teacher was Mihran Seraylian. Afterwards, my grandfather became a painter. He believed he was the only survivor, as he never received any information about his missing family. The only things he could remember were the names of his father (Hakob), mother…

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