Nov 30, 2020
Hi my father was an Anlian from Diyarbakir. I would like to connect with the person who posted this image of Aram Anlian and find out more about our family tree. I did find an Aram Anlian in Egypt in 1905 as a god father in church records.
Thank you
March 14, 2024
Robin Anlian
I did not post the picture but my grandfather was an Anlian from Diyarbakir (Diabakir). There were 4 Anlian siblings: Garabed, Jeremiah, Mkrditch and Ani. I understand that Garabed went to Alexandria, Egypt. Jeremiah also went to Alexandria then US. Mkrditch stayed but his son, Hovhanes, went to Alexandra (most of this family migrated to Australia). I don’t have any info on Ani.
I understand that Aram is the son of Garabed. Anlian is sometimes spelled Anlyan.