Identification of the above Social Democrate Hunchakian comrades in Zeytoun 1895-1896:L to R: Garabed Aghassi, Garabed Hrachia, Abah, Meléh. This photo is from winter of 1896, when these four Huntchakyan freedom fighters organised the heroic 1895-1896 defence of Zeytoun against the 20,000 ...
Hazor (Ghazor) Ishkhan Shovroghlian was one of the brave leaders of the 1st Zeytun Rebellion of 1862 against Aziz Pasha’s Ottoman Turkish brigade, along with Yenidünya Astvatzadour Pasha and Der Movses Khatchougentz of Zeytun. He was the Prince of Boz Bayir quarter of Zeytun, and was almost 80 ...
Nazareth Aga Surenoglu { Surenian Ishkhan Nazareth } was the Ishkhan or Kojabashi of the Merkez Mahallesi [ Central Bazar District ] of Zeytun, also referred to as the Surenian Quarter or Merkez Tagh from 1871 to 1904. His princely clan lived in the historic Surenyan Qale fortress-mansion built ...
Yenidünya Astvadzadour Pasha [ Astvadzadour Pasha Yenidünyayan ],1830-1899 was one of the four legendary Qodjabashi or Ishkhans of Zeytoun – his ruled quarter in Zeytoun was called Yuqari Mahallesi or Verin Tagh, also referred to as Yenidünya sector or Sourp Lousavoritch church community of ...