Zeytun Armenian fighters – december 1918.
This Dec 1918 photo is of the Zeytoun Armenian freedom-fighter squad – Amanos Zeytounlu Echqiya – commonly known as “Amanosi Herosaqakhoump” or in Turkish “Amanos Ermeni Echqiya Tchetesi” that was led by Aram Bey Tcholaqian – seated, left of the child in middle of the photograph. Next to Aram Bey is Hovhannes Simonian (seated), and next to Simonian is Qarabéth Demirdjian. Right of child, seated, is Khatcher Agha Yenidünyayan (Norachkharian), to the right,seated, is his cousin Rouben Agha Yenidünyayan (Norachkharian). Among the warriors are : Sedraq Marganian, Lévon Yézéguélian, Nichan Tozliqian, Antranique Tchaqerian, Marcos Yenidünyayan (Norachkharian), Lévon Yenidünyayan (Norachkharian), Dövleth Kiredjian, Abraham Arapkhanian, Barthoghimeos Boudaqian, Lévon Baldjian, Hayq Patchalian, Vannes Avanian, Calouste Siserian, Khatchoug Bozian, Nazaréth Zeytountzian, Hacop Sadanekian, Menatsaqan Hadjiterekian and Djelladt Manouk. This fighter squad was the core group of the Zeytoun Armenians last resistance battles against the Turkish Kemalist aggression upon Zeytoun from June 1921 until their withdrawal to Ayntep and Kilis in September 1921. Most of the above fighters became martyred in their resistance battles against the Turks in what became known as “Zeytouni Vertchin Inknabachtbanoutyan djaqatamarde of 1921”.
Vahé Achikian – Zeytun Collection